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BU vs OSU: Weighing my options

I was accepted to both Boston University (BU) and Ohio State University (OSU), and I'm struggling to choose. What are the main differences between these two schools academically, socially, and in terms of opportunities after graduation? Would love to hear your thoughts!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances to both Boston University (BU) and Ohio State University (OSU)!


- BU is a private research university with a strong reputation, particularly in communications, business, and engineering. The class sizes tend to be smaller, fostering a more intimate learning environment.

- OSU, on the other hand, is a large public research university, known for its strong programs in engineering, business, and agriculture.

While OSU may have larger class sizes initially, you'll be able to tailor your education to your interests as the curriculum requirements are typically more flexible than BU's.


- BU is located in the heart of Boston, which offers a vibrant city atmosphere with numerous cultural events, historic sites, and professional sports teams. BU's urban campus is integrated within the city, providing a more cosmopolitan experience.

- OSU is located in Columbus, which has a mix of urban and suburban environments. The school has a traditional college campus, with many students involved in Greek life, athletics, and school spirit activities. OSU's large student body allows for a diverse range of clubs, organizations, and social events.

Opportunities after graduation:

Both universities have strong alumni networks and career services, so you'll likely find good support for internships and job placements at both institutions.

- BU's location in Boston may provide better networking opportunities if you're interested in industries such as finance, biotechnology, and healthcare.

- OSU's proximity to a variety of industries in the Midwest, as well as strong ties to the automotive and agricultural sectors, might be more advantageous for certain fields.

Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences. Consider factors like location, campus life, academic programs, and cost of attendance and how they align with your personal goals. Don't hesitate to visit both campuses (if possible) and connect with current students or alumni who can share their experiences. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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