Hey guys, I've been hearing a lot about writing supplements lately. Can someone clarify what exactly writing supplements are, and how are they different from the regular college essays?
Hey! Writing supplements are additional essays or short answer questions that some colleges require from applicants, in addition to the main personal statement (or college essay). These writing supplements are separate from and typically shorter than the primary essay, which is usually a part of the Common Application, Coalition Application, or other application platforms.
The purpose of writing supplements is to give the admissions committee more insight into a student's personality, achievements, values, and goals. Supplements are typically specific to a school and may ask questions related to the college, your intended major or interest in a particular program, or how you embody the values of the institution. They help evaluators understand how you would contribute to the campus community and why you would be a good fit for their school.
The most significant difference between writing supplements and the regular college essay is that the main essay is typically a broader reflection on your experiences and identity, while writing supplements are more targeted. They require you to address specific prompts relevant to the particular college you're applying to, allowing you to demonstrate how you're suited for that college's unique atmosphere.
It's essential to approach each writing supplement with careful consideration and research tailored to the specific school. Be genuine and focused in your responses, making sure to address the prompts thoroughly while showcasing your fit for each institution. Good luck!
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