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Best SAT prep for high scorers?

Hey guys, I'm a junior with a pretty high SAT score, but I'd like to push it even higher. Any recommendations for SAT prep resources or courses specifically catering to high-scoring students? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're looking to boost your already high SAT score. For high-scoring students like yourself, it's crucial to find resources that are tailored to your specific needs, focusing on more complex and nuanced strategies.

1. The Official SAT Study Guide: Published by the College Board, this is a valuable resource since it contains real test questions from past SAT exams. Although it contains practice problems of all difficulty levels, high scorers can benefit from the challenging questions and in-depth explanations provided.

2. Test-Prep Companies: Subscribing to resources from companies such as CollegeVine, PrepScholar, or Magoosh can be helpful. They often have programs designed for high-scoring students that focus on strategies and content specific to those aiming for top percentiles.

3. Khan Academy: Although Khan Academy is a free resource accessible to students of all levels, the personalized nature of their platform allows for an individualized experience. You'll be able to pinpoint and focus on your weaknesses, turn them into strengths, and ultimately improve your overall score.

4. UWorld: Another adaptive learning platform, UWorld, has an extensive question bank that helps high-scoring students fine-tune their skills. Their platform tracks your performance in detail, and the questions' explanations are in-depth and helpful.

5. Books: Many test-prep books are written for high-scoring students, such as "Dr. John Chung's SAT Math" for challenging math problems, "The Critical Reader" by Erica Meltzer for in-depth reading and writing strategies, or "PWN the SAT Math Guide" by Mike McClenathan.

Lastly, remember that practice makes perfect, so it's important to dedicate time to taking full-length, timed SAT practice tests, preferably under test conditions. This will not only improve your time management skills but also give you an opportunity to identify areas that require more attention. As a high-scoring student, refining your skills and applying advanced strategies will help you reach your full potential on the SAT. Good luck!

a year ago

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