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University of Washington vs Penn State: Thoughts on these schools?

Hi guys, I've been accepted to both University of Washington and Penn State for biology and I'm now trying to decide where to go. Any thoughts on the academic environment and opportunities at these schools? I'd love to hear what you think!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances to both University of Washington and Penn State! Both schools have strong biology programs, but there are some differences between the two that could sway your decision.

Regarding academic environment, University of Washington (UW) is known for its research focus in the biological sciences. If you're interested in getting involved in research as an undergraduate, UW has numerous opportunities for you to join research labs, collaborate with faculty, and possibly even publish findings. Additionally, the vibrant biotech industry in the Seattle area could open up potential internships and job opportunities after graduation. And finally, if you're interested in pre-med, UW's pre-med resources are some of the best in the country.

On the other hand, Penn State is a large public university with a wide array of majors and programs. While they also have a solid biology program, they might have more campus resources dedicated to other fields, such as engineering and business, which could be an advantage if you have a wide range of interests. The big campus feel and strong school spirit at Penn State might also be worth considering if that community vibe is important to you.

In terms of location, UW and Penn State offer distinct experiences. Seattle, where UW is located, is a bustling city known for its tech scene, access to nature, and vibrant arts and culture. You'd be able to enjoy a diverse range of activities and experiences both in and around the city. State College, home to Penn State, is more of a classic college town, where the university plays a central role in the community. It offers a more traditional campus feel and lively college-town atmosphere.

Ultimately, your choice should depend on a combination of factors: academic preferences (research opportunities vs. broader resources), campus community, and location. Consider visiting both campuses (if possible) and speaking with current students to get a feel for what life is like at each school. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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