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ISU vs Dayton: Differences in engineering and campus life?

Hi everyone! I've been accepted to both Illinois State University (ISU) and University of Dayton, but I'm having trouble deciding between the two. I plan to major in Mechanical Engineering. Can anybody give me some insight into their engineering programs and campus life at both schools? Would appreciate any info!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Illinois State University (ISU) and University of Dayton offer quality engineering programs and campus experiences, but they do differ in a few ways.

Mechanical Engineering Programs:

At ISU, the Mechanical Engineering program is a part of the College of Applied Science and Technology. The curriculum emphasizes a hands-on approach and stresses the importance of practical experience. Students have access to state-of-the-art labs and can participate in research projects and internships to gain valuable experience.

On the other hand, at Dayton, the Mechanical Engineering program falls within the School of Engineering. The curriculum is also project-based and experiential, but with a more prominent focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. Dayton's engineering students have opportunities to work with companies through co-ops and other industry collaborations, providing solid real-world experience.

Campus Life:

ISU is located in Normal, a mid-sized town in Central Illinois. The campus itself is relatively large and beautiful, with plenty of green spaces and modern facilities. Campus life at ISU is active, with over 400 student organizations to join, Greek life, and Division I athletics. The surrounding area offers shopping, dining, and entertainment options, but is more limited compared to larger cities.

University of Dayton is a private, Catholic university located in Dayton, Ohio. Its campus is moderately-sized and features a mix of historical and modern buildings. UD takes pride in its strong sense of community and boasts an active student life, with over 270 student-run organizations, opportunities for service, and Division I athletics. The city of Dayton offers more entertainment, dining, and cultural options than Normal, along with access to nature through parks and outdoor activities.

Ultimately, your choice should come down to your personal preferences. If a larger campus with a strong sense of community in a bigger city is more appealing, then University of Dayton might be the right fit. However, if the idea of a public university with a focus on applied studies and hands-on experiences in a quieter location is more your speed, ISU could be the better choice. Visiting both campuses, if possible, and speaking with current engineering students can give you a better feel for each school, helping you make a more informed decision. Good luck!

a year ago

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