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WashU supplemental essay?

What's up, everyone? I'm applying to Washington University in St. Louis, and I was wondering if anybody has tips or advice for their supplemental essay. Much appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! It's exciting that you're applying to Washington University in St. Louis. When it comes to their supplemental essay, it's important to tailor your response specifically to the values and culture of the university. If you haven't already, take a look at their website, mission statement, and any other materials you can find that help you understand what WashU stands for. Additionally, consider any unique programs or opportunities that the university offers, which might be particularly interesting to you or align well with your future goals.

WashU is looking for a genuine explanation of why you're interested in their institution and your major. They want to know about your passion, commitment, and fit within the community. To effectively convey these key points, structure your essay around specific experiences, anecdotes, or academic interests which demonstrate how you've prepared for college and why WashU, in particular, is the best place to continue that journey.

For instance, if you're interested in studying environmental science and discovered that WashU has a strong program as well as a dedicated research center, you could discuss how contributing to their research would give you the opportunity to develop your expertise in the field. On the other hand, if you've been involved in community service at a local or regional level and have learned that WashU places a high value on civic engagement, you could touch on how your dedication to service would harmonize with the university's greater mission.

When it comes to style and tone, be yourself and use your authentic voice. Present a clear narrative and avoid being too general or clichéd. The more specific, personal, and engaging your essay is, the better it will be received. Lastly, make sure to proofread and edit your essay for clarity and conciseness. Give yourself enough time to work on it and seek input from teachers, counselors, or other trusted individuals who can provide constructive feedback.

Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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