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Georgetown vs American University: Which one's better?

Hey y'all! As a junior in high school, I'm trying to narrow down my list of colleges I'll be applying to soon. Georgetown and American University are both on my list, but I need some guidance in figuring out which one would be better for me. Can anyone give me the lowdown on what sets these two schools apart in terms of academics, campus life, and potential majors?

a year ago

Hi! It's great to see that you are considering both Georgetown and American University. While I can provide a general overview of each school, keep in mind that the best university for you will ultimately depend on your own personal preferences, goals, and needs.


Georgetown has a strong reputation for its emphasis on the liberal arts and is especially renowned for its focus on international relations, political science, and business. Georgetown's four undergraduate schools include Georgetown College, the School of Nursing & Health Studies, the Walsh School of Foreign Service, and the McDonough School of Business. It also has smaller class sizes and a more rigorous curriculum compared to American University.

American University, while also strong in international relations and political science, has a wider array of academic programs. These span across the arts, social sciences, business, and communications through its College of Arts & Sciences, School of International Service, Kogod School of Business, and School of Communication, among others. American University's curriculum is known for being flexible and interdisciplinary, allowing students to explore multiple areas of interest.

Campus Life:

Georgetown University is located in the upscale neighborhood of Georgetown in Washington, D.C., with a beautiful, historic campus. Campus life at Georgetown is bustling, with numerous clubs, organizations, and sports teams for students to join. However, its location further away from downtown D.C. may feel a bit removed from the city's heart.

American University, by contrast, is in the residential neighborhood of Spring Valley. Its campus has a suburban feel and is surrounded by parks and green spaces, providing a different atmosphere compared to Georgetown. Students at American are also known for their involvement in clubs, organizations, and sports teams. Furthermore, although slightly farther away from D.C.'s city center, the campus is still easily accessible via the Metro.

Potential Majors:

At Georgetown, you'll find strong programs in international relations, political science, business, and nursing, as well as a range of other liberal arts disciplines. Example majors include International Politics, Finance, and Human Science.

On the other hand, American University offers more variety and flexibility in terms of majors. You could explore programs in communications, journalism, environmental studies, business, or film, among others. Some examples include International Studies, Public Relations & Strategic Communication, and Film & Media Arts.

In conclusion, Georgetown may be the better choice if you have a strong interest in international relations, political science, or business and prefer a historic, upscale setting. American University might be a better fit if you want a wider range of academic options, a more flexible curriculum, and a calmer campus environment. Ultimately, it will all come down to which university aligns with your personal goals and preferences. Good luck!

a year ago

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