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Converting PSAT 1200 score to SAT

I scored a 1200 on my recent PSAT, and I was wondering how well it might translate to the actual SAT. Any insights or advice on the potential score difference and whether I should start preparing for the SAT based on my PSAT performance?

a year ago

The PSAT and SAT scores are not directly comparable, but they do have a strong correlation. A PSAT score of 1200 is definitely a solid foundation to work from, and it suggests you have a good grasp of the material tested. In general, SAT scores tend to be slightly higher than PSAT scores, so you might expect something in the range of 1220-1250 when you take the SAT.

It's important to note, though, that the SAT is longer and more comprehensive than the PSAT, so you shouldn't rely on your PSAT score alone to predict your SAT performance. While it's a useful indicator of your current abilities, I recommend that you still invest in preparing for the SAT, in order to improve your score and maximize your chances of success.

Begin by identifying areas of weakness or topics that you found challenging during the PSAT. This will help you tailor an SAT study plan that targets those aspects and builds on your strengths. Make use of resources like official College Board practice tests and Khan Academy's free test prep materials to familiarize yourself with the SAT's format and structure.

Additionally, set a target SAT score based on the colleges you're interested in and work towards achieving that goal. Having a target to compare your current baseline to will give you a better sense of how much time you need to put into studying. Best of luck with your SAT preparation!

a year ago

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