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Bates vs. Bowdoin: Looking for insights on which college to choose

Hi everyone, I've narrowed down my liberal arts college search to Bates and Bowdoin. I'm curious about the differences between them, like academics, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities. Can anyone provide some input on this? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Congratulations on narrowing down your college search to Bates and Bowdoin! Both are excellent liberal arts colleges, but they do have their unique qualities.


Both colleges offer strong academic programs and are known for their small class sizes, undergraduate research opportunities, and close relationships between faculty and students. Bowdoin typically ranks slightly higher in most college rankings, but both institutions provide excellent education. Curriculum wise, Bowdoin has no distribution requirements, which means that you can choose courses as per your interests, while Bates has specific guidelines.

Campus culture:

The two colleges have distinct campus cultures. Bowdoin is located in Brunswick, which is a bit bigger than Bates' location in Lewiston. Brunswick has a vibrant downtown, while Lewiston has more of an industrial town feel. In terms of campus size, Bowdoin's campus is a bit smaller and more spread out, while Bates is a little larger and more compact.

At Bates, the overall atmosphere is more collaborative and community-based, whereas Bowdoin carries a more competitive environment. Bates is well-known for its emphasis on social justice and community engagement, whereas Bowdoin is focused on fostering intellectualism and critical thinking.

Extracurricular opportunities:

Both colleges provide a plethora of extracurricular opportunities, but they differ in their emphasis and offerings. Bates has strong programs in debate, theater, and outdoors with its popular Outing Club. Bowdoin has a more extensive athletic program and is highly regarded for its art museum and a robust music program.


As a side note, Bowdoin's dining services are known to be exceptional, often ranked near the top in surveys for college dining experiences. If food is an important factor for you, Bowdoin definitely has the edge in this department.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your personal preferences and priorities. I'd recommend visiting both campuses if you can, and try to engage with the campus communities to get a better feel for which college suits you best. Good luck in making your decision!

a year ago

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