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Exploring entrepreneurship through summer programs?

What's up guys! I've been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug lately and I'm looking for a summer program that caters to high school students interested in entrepreneurship. Any suggestions on where to find such a program?

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're interested in entrepreneurship during high school. There are a few summer programs catering to high school students that focus on entrepreneurship. Here are some recommendations:

1. LaunchX: A selective program held at multiple college campuses and designed to help students develop their own startup ideas through teamwork, mentorship, and business lessons from successful entrepreneurs.

2. MIT Sloan: MIT offers a Sloan High School Entrepreneurship Program, which features seminars, guest speakers, and hands-on projects tailored to high school students interested in entrepreneurship.

3. LEAD Business Summer Institute: This program, sponsored by the Wharton School at UPenn, provides an opportunity for high school students to experience business and entrepreneurship concepts through lectures, discussions, and team projects.

4. Young Entrepreneur Institute: A program that encourages high school students to explore entrepreneurship by providing resources, workshops, and competitions to test their ideas and skills.

5. HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership): While not specifically focused on entrepreneurship, HOBY offers leadership seminars and workshops for high school students that cover various topics, including developing entrepreneurial skills and businesses.

Of course, these are just a few examples. When researching programs, make sure to consider factors such as cost, location, required qualifications, and overall fit for your interests. Some programs may have scholarships or financial aid options to help with costs, and remember that the most prestigious, selective programs typically carry more weight in the college admissions process. Good luck on your entrepreneurial journey!

a year ago

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