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Purdue rescind policy: How strict is it?

Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows how strict Purdue's rescind policy is. I've been accepted, but I'm a little worried about my senior year grades slipping. At what point should I be concerned? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! First and foremost, congratulations on your acceptance to Purdue! It's natural to be concerned about your senior year grades, but remember that all universities expect students to maintain their academic performance throughout their last year of high school.

To answer your question, Purdue doesn't have a strict cutoff for rescinding admissions decisions, but they will look at each case individually to determine any action that might be necessary. As a general guideline, significant drops in your academic performance – particularly multiple Cs, any Ds, or even an F – might raise concerns.

It's essential to stay diligent and make a genuine effort to keep up your grades until graduation. Remember, colleges want you to succeed and continue your education, so they won't be looking for reasons to rescind your admissions offer. However, if your academic performance takes a severe hit, you could be at risk. If you're facing extenuating circumstances that might affect your grades, make sure to communicate this with Purdue's Admissions Office so that they are aware of any issues.

In summary, try to maintain a consistent academic performance during your senior year. If you notice a slight dip or have a single lower grade, it may not be a significant concern. That being said, keep up the hard work and don't let senioritis get the best of you! Good luck and enjoy the rest of your high school experience!

a year ago

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