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Johns Hopkins vs Notre Dame

I'm leaning toward either Johns Hopkins or Notre Dame, but I can't decide which one is a better fit for me. Can someone help me compare these two schools in terms of their academic programs, campus vibe, and financial aid policies?

a year ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you compare Johns Hopkins and Notre Dame. Both are excellent schools, but they have distinct differences that may impact your decision.


Johns Hopkins (JHU) is known for its strong emphasis on research, particularly in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, and public health. It boasts cutting-edge resources and opportunities for undergraduate research. Notre Dame has a more balanced curriculum and has a strong reputation for business, political science, and liberal arts. Both schools offer a quality education, but if you're leaning towards a specific major or area of study, one may be better than the other.

Campus Vibe:

Location-wise, JHU is in Baltimore, a diverse and bustling city with plenty of cultural experiences. Its urban setting offers both the excitement and challenges of city life. Notre Dame is located in South Bend, Indiana, featuring a more traditional college-town atmosphere, and is known for its tight-knit community and storied sports culture, especially football. Think about whether you prefer an urban or college-town environment and how much campus life and traditions matter to you.

JHU has a more research-focused and competitive atmosphere. Many students are deeply involved in their studies and research projects. Notre Dame has a collaborative environment, with students often forming study groups and supporting one another. Students at Notre Dame are known for their spirit and pride in their school, so if a strong sense of community is essential to you, you might find Notre Dame more appealing.

Financial Aid Policies:

Johns Hopkins is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted students. Additionally, JHU has a need-blind admissions policy for students, meaning your ability to pay will not influence your admissions decision. Notre Dame is also known for its generous financial aid packages, and likewise, it meets 100% of demonstrated need for all admitted students. They maintain a need-blind admissions policy for domestic students, but need-aware for international, meaning that a student's ability to pay may be considered during the admissions review. Despite this, a significant portion of Notre Dame's students receives financial aid, and the university typically provides extensive grant funding as opposed to loans.

In essence, both Johns Hopkins and Notre Dame have strong academic programs, but they differ in terms of campus vibe, location, and some aspects of their financial aid policies. Your choice should align with your academic interests, the environment you'd thrive in, and how comfortable you are with each school's financial aid policies. I'd recommend visiting both campuses if possible, speaking with current students, and considering where you see yourself fitting in best. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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