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Dartmouth vs Georgetown

I'm having a tough time deciding between Dartmouth College and Georgetown University. Can anyone provide information about the differences in academic programs, campus culture, and location? I'd love to hear from anyone with firsthand experience.

a year ago

Of course, I'm happy to help. Both are excellent institutions, and the choice will ultimately come down to your personal preferences and priorities.

Academic Programs

Dartmouth College, being a part of the Ivy League, has a strong focus on undergraduate education and offers an intimate, liberal arts experience. The college provides strong support for research and offers a flexible academic calendar with the D-Plan. Dartmouth is particularly well-known for its economics, engineering, and government programs.

Georgetown University, on the other hand, is famous for its Walsh School of Foreign Service, McDonough School of Business, and strong government and international relations programs. The university also offers a prestigious pre-med program and a variety of other fields of study. Although it's not an Ivy, Georgetown is renowned as a top school in the country and will offer just as good (if not better, depending on your major) education as an Ivy.

Campus Culture

Dartmouth has a reputation for its close-knit and outdoorsy community. With a smaller undergraduate population, students have more opportunities to foster close relationships with their peers and professors. Greek life is very prevalent on campus, but it's not for everyone. Being in a rural setting, outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and camping, are common.

Georgetown has a more cosmopolitan atmosphere and is known for its political activism and thriving social scene. The campus is integrated right into the heart of Washington, D.C., offering students numerous networking and internship opportunities. Campus organizations and clubs cater to a wide range of interests, and students enjoy a diverse social life.


Dartmouth's campus is located in Hanover, New Hampshire—a small, picturesque college town with a quaint New England feel. This rural setting can be appealing for outdoor enthusiasts, but it could feel somewhat isolating for those who desire an urban experience.

Georgetown is situated in Washington, D.C., one of the most exciting and culturally rich cities in the United States. This urban setting allows students to explore museums, historical sites, theaters, restaurants, and an array of internship opportunities with government agencies, NGOs, and private companies.

In conclusion, both schools have their unique strengths and campus cultures. Consider which factors matter most to you: academic programs, campus life, and location. If you have the opportunity to visit both campuses and attend admitted student events or speak with current students and alumni, that could help you make a more informed decision. Good luck!

a year ago

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