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SAT late registration

So, I kinda missed the regular registration deadline for the upcoming SAT. But I heard there's a late registration option. How does late registration work and how much extra does it cost?

a year ago

Late registration is an option provided by the College Board for students who missed the regular registration deadline for the SAT. You can still register for the test, but you'll need to pay an additional late fee. The late registration period typically begins right after the regular one ends and lasts for about two more weeks.

At the time of writing, the late registration fee for the SAT is an additional $30 on top of the regular test fees. To give you an idea of the total cost: for the SAT without the essay, the regular fee is $55. With the late fee, this comes to a total of $85. If you're taking the SAT with the essay, the regular fee is $68, so with late registration, it'd be $98.

To complete a late registration, go to the College Board's registration page and sign in (or create a new account if you're a first-time test-taker). After signing in, choose the test date, and follow the instructions to register. Be sure to submit your payment for both the test fee and the late fee. Keep in mind that seating and test center availability may be limited since many students may have already registered by this point.

To avoid having to pay late fees in the future, I'd recommend setting reminders for yourself ahead of the regular registration deadlines and exploring the College Board's website for important dates and information regarding test registration. Staying organized and planning in advance can save you both time and money. Good luck with your test!

a year ago

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