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USC vs NYU: Which to choose?

Hi all, I'm considering both USC and NYU as potential schools for next year. I'm looking to study film production, so I know both schools are solid choices. Could anyone provide insight on the differences in programs, resources, and opportunities at these two schools? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Congrats on getting into two great schools for film production. Both USC and NYU have top-notch programs, but there are some key differences that might help you decide between the two.

USC's School of Cinematic Arts is often considered the best film school in the U.S. They have a strong focus on the technical aspects of filmmaking, such as camera and editing work, and there are opportunities for hands-on experience throughout the program.

USC's location in Los Angeles is also a major advantage since it's the heart of the entertainment industry. Being close to major studios, production companies, and a vast alumni network within the industry can provide you with valuable connections and internships.

On the other hand, NYU's Tisch School of the Arts is known for encouraging a more artistic and experimental approach to filmmaking. They have a strong emphasis on storytelling and independent film, so if you're looking to be a writer/director or pursue a more creative path, NYU could be an excellent fit.

New York City has a diverse arts scene, and while it might not have as many connections to major Hollywood studios, you'll still find various production companies and opportunities to grow your network.

In terms of resources, both schools offer extensive facilities, top equipment, and faculty with industry experience. However, USC's collaboration with the nearby cinema and television production studios could provide you with access to a wider range of resources and networking opportunities compared to NYU.

Overall, I'd recommend considering what type of filmmaking you're most interested in, as well as the environment you prefer. If you lean towards Hollywood-style, production-heavy projects, and value connections within the industry, USC might be the better choice. If you're more interested in indie films, creative storytelling, and want the energy that comes with New York City, then NYU could be more fitting for you.

Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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