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Iowa State vs Auburn: Recommendations?

I've been accepted to Iowa State University and Auburn University, but I'm having a tough time deciding which one to attend. Can anyone share their experiences with their academic programs, campus life, and social environment? I intend to major in Civil Engineering. I'd really appreciate your help!

a year ago

Congratulations on being accepted to both Iowa State University and Auburn University! Both schools have solid Civil Engineering programs and great campus environments, but they do have their unique features.

Academic Programs: Iowa State's Civil Engineering program is highly ranked and boasts excellent faculty and resources. The program offers various research opportunities, and many students have the chance to work alongside professors on advanced research projects. At Auburn, the Civil Engineering program also provides a strong curriculum and hands-on learning experience. Auburn's engineering program is growing and has established good connections with industry partners, so internships and co-op opportunities are often available.

Campus Life: Iowa State is located in Ames, a college town that's consistently rated as one of the best college towns in the country. The town features a mix of urban and rural vibes, with plenty of bars, shops, and outdoor activities within a short distance. There is also a robust Greek life presence on campus, providing ample opportunities for socializing. Auburn is located in Auburn, Alabama, which is also a college-oriented city, though it has a smaller population than Ames. The Auburn campus is known for its beautiful scenery and warm, welcoming atmosphere. A strong southern hospitality vibe is present throughout the community, and school spirit prevails, especially during football season.

Social Environment: Iowa State has a diverse student body and many different ways to get involved, with over 900 clubs and organizations. Students find a welcoming atmosphere and build connections through their involvement in various activities, from intramural sports to cultural clubs. Auburn University is also recognized for its supportive atmosphere, with a strong sense of tradition and community. Campus life revolves around Greek life, clubs, and sports, fostering strong bonds among students. Keep in mind that while both schools emphasize college sports and Greek life, there are plenty of other avenues to find your niche within the community.

Ultimately, it might be worthwhile for you to visit both campuses (if you haven't already) to get a feel for each environment. Talk to current students, attend information sessions, and tour each campus to determine which one aligns with your personal preferences and academic goals. Best of luck in making your decision!

a year ago

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