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Emory or USC for business major?

Hey there, I've been accepted to both Emory and USC for a business major, and I'm having a hard time choosing. Can anyone provide some thoughts on their business programs and the overall campus environment at each school?

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Emory and USC have fantastic business programs, so you can't go wrong with either choice. Let's break down some key factors to consider:

Business Programs:

Emory's Goizueta Business School offers a BBA program that emphasizes hands-on learning through internships and case competitions. Emory's location in Atlanta, a major business hub, provides ample opportunities for networking and internships with nearby corporations.

USC's Marshall School of Business also provides an excellent undergraduate business program. USC's program stands out for its global focus, offering numerous opportunities for international exposure, such as the Global Leadership Program and the International Exchange Program. Additionally, USC's location in Los Angeles offers access to a vibrant business community.

Campus Environment:

Emory's campus is located in a suburban environment on the outskirts of Atlanta. Emory has a smaller student body and offers more opportunities for close-knit interactions with peers and professors. The social scene tends to be more low-key, but there are still numerous clubs, organizations, and events on-campus.

USC is in an urban setting, near downtown Los Angeles. With a larger student body, USC offers a more diverse range of experiences and a vibrant social scene. USC's strong athletics and school spirit are a big part of campus life. The surrounding area is more bustling, and students can take advantage of cultural, entertainment, and dining options in Los Angeles.

Ultimately, your decision should come down to personal preference, location, and the type of campus experience you're seeking. If you're looking for a more intimate environment and proximity to a major business hub, Emory might be right for you. On the other hand, if you want a larger campus with a global focus and a lively social scene, USC could be the better choice. If possible, visiting each campus in person and speaking to current students can help you get a better sense of which school is the best fit for you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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