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Cornell University vs Cornell College: Important distinctions?

Hi everyone, I've been hearing about both Cornell University and Cornell College, but I'm a bit confused about the differences between them. Can anyone shed some light on how they differ in terms of academics, location, and overall campus environment?

a year ago

Good question – despite the name, they are very different. I'd be happy to help clarify the differences between Cornell University and Cornell College.

1. Academics: Cornell University is an Ivy League institution located in Ithaca, New York, which offers a wide variety of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. It is well-known for its strong programs in engineering, hotel administration, agriculture, and numerous other fields. On the other hand, Cornell College is a private liberal arts college located in Mount Vernon, Iowa. It exclusively offers undergraduate programs and follows a unique "One Course At A Time" curriculum, where students focus on a single subject for 3.5 weeks before moving on to the next course.

2. Location: As mentioned earlier, Cornell University is located in Ithaca, New York, a picturesque college town that's known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including gorges, waterfalls, and Cayuga Lake. It has a larger community feel and more options for socializing. In contrast, Cornell College is located in the small town of Mount Vernon, Iowa. The town has a charming, rural atmosphere and is close-knit, with a strong sense of community.

3. Campus Environment: Cornell University has a significantly larger student body with around 15,000 undergrad students compared to Cornell College, which has approximately 1,000 students. The larger size of Cornell University's campus provides more extracurricular activities, research opportunities, and a variety of campus facilities. Cornell College, with its small size, offers a more intimate learning environment that encourages close connections between students and faculty and has a strong focus on experiential learning.

In summary, the main differences between Cornell University and Cornell College come down to their academic offerings, location, and campus environment. Cornell University is a larger Ivy League institution with extensive resources and opportunities, located in a beautiful college town, while Cornell College is a smaller liberal arts college in a rural setting offering an intimate learning experience through its unique curriculum.

a year ago

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