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Coalition App essay prompts - how to choose?

Hey guys! I'm starting to work on my college application essays for the Coalition App, but I'm struggling to decide which prompt to choose. Does anyone have advice on how to pick the best prompt for you or how to brainstorm ideas? Any help would be great!

a year ago

When choosing an essay prompt for the Coalition App, the key is to find a question that resonates with you and allows you to showcase your unique qualities and personal experiences. To start, read all the prompts thoroughly and give yourself some time to digest them. As you reflect on each prompt, consider the following steps:

1. Identify your strengths: Make a list of your core values, characteristics, and experiences that you want to emphasize in your application. Think about what sets you apart from other applicants and what makes you genuinely excited.

2. Brainstorm: For each prompt, jot down a few potential ideas that come to mind. Don't worry about how feasible or well-formed they are at this stage; just focus on generating ideas. Keep in mind that selecting a unique and personal topic will make your essay stand out.

3. Evaluate your ideas: After brainstorming, go through your list and consider which ideas have the potential to develop into engaging and revealing essays. Pay attention to how each topic aligns with your strengths and values, as well as the values of the colleges you're applying to.

4. Determine the best fit: Choose a prompt that allows you to write a compelling story about your experiences and growth. Your essay should not only answer the prompt but also reveal something meaningful about yourself that isn't already apparent in the rest of your application. Avoid common cliches and focus on providing fresh insights. Make sure your chosen topic aligns with the overall message you want to convey through your application.

5. Outline your essay: Before diving into writing, outline your essay to ensure a well-structured and cohesive narrative. This will serve as a roadmap and help you stay on track as you develop your essay.

6. Write and revise: After selecting a prompt and outlining your essay, start writing. Be willing to revise and edit multiple times to ensure your essay is polished and engaging.

Remember, there is no universally "best" prompt—it's all about finding the one that allows you to tell a captivating story and reveal who you are as a person. So take your time, reflect on your experiences, and choose a prompt that will enable you to write a compelling and impactful essay.

a year ago

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