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What does Stanford look for in applicants?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in applying to Stanford but it's so competitive. Does anyone have any insights into what exactly Stanford looks for in its applicants? I'd love to tailor my application in a way that appeals to their preferences. Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Hello! Glad to see you're interested in Stanford. As a highly selective university, Stanford looks for applicants who not only excel academically but also demonstrate strong extracurricular involvement, leadership, and a unique "spike" or passion that sets them apart from even other talented candidates. While the exact qualities they seek in a student vary, here are a few things that can help your application stand out:

1. Academic Excellence: As with any top-tier institution, strong academic performance is essential. High GPAs, challenging course loads including AP classes, and competitive test scores will show admissions officers you're ready to thrive in a highly competitive academic environment. While Stanford is officially test-optional, at an institution this selective you want to give yourself every advantage possible. CollegeVine's blog contains more information about test-optional policies, if you're curious:

2. Extracurricular Activities: Successful applicants often have a mix of Tier 1-3 extracurriculars with a focus on the higher tiers – the goal is not only the quantity of activities, but also depth and achievement in an area of passion, which may be demonstrated through leadership positions, awards, or substantial accomplishments. CollegeVine's blog also contains more information about extracurricular tiers:

3. Spike: An applicant with a "spike" has a highly developed specialty, which shows mastery in a specific field. This specialization suggests a high likelihood of future success in the particular niche, which will enhance the university's reputation, and thus helps showcase what you have to offer that no other applicant does.

4. Personal Essay: An outstanding personal essay is often a big part of what sets accepted students apart. Showcase your distinctiveness by avoiding cliché topics and focusing on a narrative that reveals valuable insight into your character, experiences, and motivations. Inject your voice and personality into the essay to make it truly memorable. You can read up on how to tackle the Common App personal statement on CollegeVine's blog:

5. Supplemental Essays: When responding to these prompts, take the time to reflect on your values, goals, and aspirations, as well as any personal anecdotes that could help present a compelling picture and highlight your fit with the Stanford community. Be thoughtful and genuine, and if you're stuck on one particular question, consider checking out CollegeVine's blog post breaking down Stanford's current supplemental essays:

6. Letters of Recommendation: Strong letters of recommendation can be crucial in distinguishing your application. Obtain these from teachers or mentors who know you well and can provide detailed examples of your intellectual curiosity, leadership, resilience, or any other qualities that could resonate with Stanford's admissions team.

While these factors can help you tailor your application, remember that Stanford, like other top colleges, employs a holistic admissions approach. They evaluate your application in its entirety and make decisions based on the unique blend of your accomplishments, interests, and motivations, so it's unfortunately not possible to say any one factor is the reason you will or won't get in. Hopefully, though, you now have a clearer sense of what Stanford values in their student body.

Best of luck with the application process!

a year ago

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