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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Duke vs UChicago: Which One to Choose?

Hey guys! I got accepted into both Duke and UChicago, and I'm having a really hard time choosing between the two. Can anyone share some thoughts or experiences about the vibe, academics, and opportunities at each of these schools?

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Duke and UChicago are prestigious universities with fantastic opportunities, but they do have distinct differences in their campus environments, social scenes, and academic focuses.

Duke University is known for its strong athletics, vibrant campus life, and great school spirit. Students often enjoy attending sports events and cheering for their teams. The weather is generally warm and sunny, which contributes to the outdoor-oriented culture on campus.

Duke has renowned programs in biomedical engineering, public policy, and environmental sciences. The campus also has a gorgeous Neo-Gothic architecture, surrounded by lush greenery. Additionally, Duke has a work-hard, play-hard culture which provides students with a balance between academics and social events.

On the other hand, University of Chicago is known for its rigorous academics and intellectual atmosphere. The environment on campus is often described as more intense, with a focus on deep discussions and critical thinking. UChicago doesn't have the same sports-driven culture as Duke, but there are still many clubs and activities to be involved in outside of academics.

The school's famous "Core Curriculum" ensures a well-rounded education and exposes students to a range of subjects. UChicago is particularly strong in economics, political science, and the physical sciences. Located in the city of Chicago, students also have access to the city's culture, job opportunities, and diverse neighborhoods.

When comparing the two schools, consider which environment and culture would suit you better. Are you looking for a more intellectually intense experience, or do you value a strong social and athletic scene?

Consider your academic interests and how each university's programs align with those interests as well. Finally, think about location—would you prefer an urban environment in Chicago or the picturesque campus of Duke in Durham, North Carolina?

Ultimately, you can't go wrong with either choice, but it's important to consider these factors to determine which one will be a better fit for you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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