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Caltech vs Georgia Tech: which one for engineering?

Trying to decide between attending Caltech and Georgia Tech for engineering. What sets these schools apart? I'm especially interested in factors like campus culture, research opportunities, and post-graduation job placement.

a year ago

Caltech and Georgia Tech are both excellent institutions for engineering, but they differ in size, campus culture, and research opportunities. Here's a quick breakdown:

1. Campus culture: Caltech has a small, tight-knit student body and a strong focus on research. With an extremely low student-to-faculty ratio of around 3:1, students often engage closely with their professors. The atmosphere is incredibly academically intense, but students do typically value collaboration over competition. On the other hand, Georgia Tech has a larger, more diverse student body, and a vibrant campus life with numerous clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities to engage in. The atmosphere is still academically focused, but with more opportunities for social experiences as well.

2. Research opportunities: Both schools excel in research, but Caltech is deeply committed to research across all disciplines, with many opportunities for undergraduates to get involved. Faculty and students often collaborate closely on projects. Georgia Tech's engineering programs are highly ranked, and the school is also research-focused, but some students may find that research opportunities are more competitive here due to the larger student population.

3. Post-graduation job placement: Both schools boast impressive job placement rates for their engineering graduates. Caltech has a strong reputation in industry and academia, and many students secure positions at top companies, start-ups, or continue in academia. Georgia Tech is also known for its strong connections with industry, especially in the Atlanta area, and their graduates work in a variety of engineering fields. While the job placement success at both schools is high, the networks and specific companies that recruit from them may be different, so you may want to do some more research on each institution's connections to the industries you're most interested in.

Ultimately, your decision between Caltech and Georgia Tech should be based on which environment suits you best. If a smaller community and intense focus on research resonate with you, Caltech may be a better fit, whereas if a larger campus with more diverse interests and experiences appeals to you, Georgia Tech could be the better choice. Consider visiting the campuses or speaking to current students if possible to help solidify your decision. Either way, though, you'll receive an outstanding education in engineering!

a year ago

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