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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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WashU Dorm Bed Size?

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knows the bed size for dorms at Washington University in St. Louis, specifically for the freshman dorms. Is it a twin, twin XL, or something else? Want to make sure I buy the right bedding. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! For the freshman dorms at Washington University in St. Louis, the bed size is typically Twin XL. So when you're shopping for your bedding, make sure to look for sheets, mattress pads, and other essentials that are specifically labeled as Twin XL to ensure a proper fit.

You may want to confirm the bed size with the Residential Life office at WashU, however, as it's possible there's some variation from dorm to dorm. Either way, have a great time preparing for your first year at WashU!

a year ago

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