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Degree in gaming, is it worth it?

Hey fellow students! I'm really passionate about gaming and considering getting a degree in gaming (like game design or development). Have any of you looked into this or know someone who has? Is it worth pursuing, or would it be better to focus on a more traditional major?

a year ago

Hey! It's great that you're passionate about gaming and considering it as a potential career path. To determine if a degree in gaming is worth it for you, you'll want to consider a few key factors.

First, think about your long-term career goals. If you're specifically interested in working in the gaming industry, having a degree in game design or development may be beneficial. However, it's also worth considering that the gaming industry is quite competitive, and having a more general degree in a related field, like computer science, might provide you with more diverse job opportunities in case your initial plan doesn't work out.

Secondly, research the schools and programs you're considering. Some colleges have reputable gaming programs with strong industry connections, while others may not be as recognized. In general, the better the program's reputation and connections, the more valuable the degree might be. Additionally, consider the program curriculum, as some may be more focused on the technical aspects of game design, while others lean towards the artistic side.

Finally, remember that the skills you acquire alongside the degree can play an important role in your future success. Whether or not you pursue a gaming-specific degree, you should actively seek out internships, projects, or other opportunities to apply and improve your skills within the gaming industry.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue a degree in gaming will depend on your career goals, the quality of the programs you're considering, and your ability to gain practical experience in the field. If your passion truly lies in game design and development, and you're willing to put in the effort to make the most out of your degree, it could certainly be worth pursuing, but for other students, pursuing a more flexible degree may be a wiser choice. Good luck!

a year ago

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