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Documenting Volunteer Hours

I've been doing some volunteer work for various organizations and I'm wondering what's the best way to document my hours? Do colleges require any proof of community service when I apply?

a year ago

It's great that you're dedicating time to volunteer work! While colleges typically do not require proof of community service hours upon application, it's still a good idea to keep a record of your volunteer experiences, just in case.

Here are some ways to document your volunteer hours:

1. Use a spreadsheet or log: Create a simple spreadsheet or log to keep track of the organization's name, your role, hours spent volunteering, and dates. This will help you stay organized and easily retrieve information when needed.

2. Collect letters or certificates: Request a letter or certificate from the organization you volunteered with, stating the nature of your work and the number of hours completed. These documents can be helpful if a college or scholarship requires formal proof.

3. Maintain a portfolio: Along with your log, keep a portfolio with photos, samples of your work, or any relevant information from your volunteer experiences. This can provide evidence of your involvement and showcase the impact of your service.

4. Reflect on your experiences: Regularly write down your thoughts about your volunteer activities. This practice will help you remember the details and identify the skills you gained, which can be valuable for college essays and interviews.

When it's time to apply, include your volunteer work in the extracurricular section of the application. You can mention the total hours completed, your responsibilities, and the impact of your service. It's unlikely that colleges will request proof, but having records at your disposal will help you feel confident about the details you provide.

a year ago

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