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2024 Online summer programs for high school students?

Does anyone know of awesome online summer programs for high school students coming up in 2024? Please share any application deadlines or requirements!

a year ago

Absolutely! Online summer programs are a fantastic way for high school students to explore and develop their interests. Here are three interesting programs to consider for 2024:

1. Stanford Online High School Summer, which offers online courses in subjects like creative writing, math, computer science, and the humanities. This program typically runs for 6-9 weeks, and the application deadline is usually around March. To apply, you usually need to submit a personal statement, a recommendation letter, your high school transcript, and, sometimes, additional materials relevant to your chosen course (such as writing samples).

2. MIT Online Science, Technology, and Engineering Community (MOSTEC) is a six-month online program focused on STEM subjects and college prep. The program runs from the summer through January, with the main application deadline typically in March. To apply, you should be a high school junior when you submit your application and be prepared to provide two recommendations, your high school transcript, and short essays demonstrating your interest in STEM and college preparation.

3. Harvard Pre-College Program, which offers an online two-week, immersive academic experience in fields like business, engineering, and the humanities. The application deadline is typically around March, although the specific dates vary from year to year. Applicants need to be high school sophomores or juniors and typically must provide a high school transcript, a teacher recommendation, and a personal essay.

Please keep in mind that each program will have its own admission requirements and deadlines, and they can change annually, so it's essential to check the specific program websites for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, if none of these options seems quite right to you, you can find a more extensive list of offerings on CollegeVine’s blog:

Good luck exploring these exciting summer opportunities!

a year ago

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