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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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FLVS classes that raise GPA?

I'm considering taking some FLVS (Florida Virtual School) classes to help boost my GPA. What are some FLVS courses you'd recommend that are both interesting and helpful in raising GPA? Thanks!

a year ago

Taking FLVS classes is a great way to potentially raise your GPA while expanding your knowledge. As you're looking for courses that are both interesting and helpful, I'd suggest focusing on subjects that align with your passions and strengths, as courses tend to be easier when you're genuinely engaged and motivated to learn the material.

1. Creative Writing: If you enjoy writing and want to explore different styles, this course could be perfect for you. It will enhance your writing skills and help you express your thoughts and ideas more effectively.

2. Psychology 1: This course offers an insight into human behavior and mental processes, which is fascinating for many. Plus, it can help develop critical thinking and analytical skills applicable to many other subjects and areas of life.

3. Digital Information Technology: If you're tech-savvy or interested in learning about computers and technology, this course will cover essential skills. It teaches digital tools, web development basics, and operations related to the digital world.

4. Marine Science: If you're intrigued by the ocean and its diverse ecosystems, this course can be both captivating and informative. You'll learn about marine life, ecosystems, oceanography, and environmental science, which can help you diversify your overall education.

5. Art History and Criticism: For those artistic souls, this course offers an exploration of the fascinating world of art, its history, and the theories surrounding artistic expression. You'll also analyze various artworks and develop skills in critical interpretation.

Remember, it's essential to maintain a balance between your core classes and any additional courses you take on FLVS. Carefully consider your current course load, interests, and the amount of time you can devote to these extra courses before you make a decision. Good luck!

a year ago

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