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What's the best way to conclude a 'Why Us' essay?

Hi! I'm working on my 'Why Us' essay for college applications, and I want to know if anyone has any tips on how to effectively end one. Should I make it memorable or just summarize what I've already said? I'd appreciate any advice!

a year ago

Hi there! When it comes to concluding a 'Why Us' essay, you want to focus on making it impactful and memorable rather than simply restating everything you've already written. Here are a few tips to help you craft a strong conclusion:

1. Connect to personal experiences or goals: Wrap up your essay by connecting the school's offerings to your personal experiences or aspirations. Explain how attending the college will help you achieve your future goals and how you plan to contribute positively to the school community.

2. Use vivid language and imagery: Paint a picture of yourself on the college campus, participating in the activities or programs you've discussed throughout the essay. This will help show the admissions committee that you can envision yourself as an active member of their community. Make sure to keep it relevant and focused on the specific college, though.

3. Reflect on your growth: Include a brief reflection on how your interest in the college has evolved while researching for this essay or during the application process. This demonstrates that you have thought deeply about the school and its offerings, as well as how you fit into their community.

4. Express gratitude or enthusiasm: End your essay by expressing gratitude for being considered for admission or by reiterating your enthusiasm for the college. This shows that you value the opportunity and are eager to be a part of their community.

5. Avoid clichés and generalizations: As you conclude, make sure not to use clichés or broad statements. Keep your writing specific to your unique experiences and interests, as well as the college's offerings.

For more advice on writing this type of essay, check out this CollegeVine article:

Remember, the goal of the conclusion is to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee. You want them to finish reading your essay and feel confident that you would be a valuable addition to their community. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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