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FAU vs Virginia Tech: Which should I choose?

I've been accepted to both Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Virginia Tech. I'm having a hard time making a decision, so I'd like to hear from current or former students at either school. What are the pros and cons of each, and what was your overall experience like? Thanks!

a year ago

Congrats on your acceptances! It can definitely be tough to choose between two great schools, so I'll try to give you an overview of some pros and cons for both.

Florida Atlantic University (FAU):


1. Location: Located in Boca Raton, FAU offers a sunny, warm climate year-round which can be enticing for outdoor activities.

2. Lower cost of living: Florida generally has a lower cost of living compared to Virginia, which can help you save on expenses.

3. Diverse student body: FAU is known for its diverse student population, which helps create a multicultural environment.


1. Less prestigious: FAU is not as highly ranked as Virginia Tech in most academic comparisons.

2. Sports and school spirit: While FAU has sports teams, they do not have the same level of recognition or fan support as Virginia Tech.

Virginia Tech:


1. Prestige: Virginia Tech enjoys a strong reputation for their engineering, architecture, and science programs.

2. Campus and facilities: VT has a beautiful, well-maintained campus with modern facilities and resources.

3. School spirit: VT has a rich sports tradition and a passionate fan base, which leads to a strong sense of school spirit and belonging.


1. Location: Blacksburg is a smaller college town with fewer amenities compared to a more urban setting like Boca Raton.

2. Weather: If you prefer warmer weather, you might find the colder months in Virginia to be a downside.

Both schools have their unique characteristics, and the best choice for you will depend on your personal preferences and academic goals. I recommend visiting the campuses (if possible) to get a feel for the environments and culture at each school. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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