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Significance of supplemental essays

Hi everyone! I'm currently working on my college applications and I'm wondering how crucial supplemental essays are in the admissions process. Should I be spending a lot of time perfecting these essays?

a year ago

Hello! Supplemental essays are indeed an important part of the college admissions process. While the main personal statement or Common App essay gives admissions officers a broad sense of who you are, supplemental essays allow you to dive deeper into specific topics and showcase your knowledge, passion, and fit with the school you're applying to.

Admissions committees consider these essays when evaluating your application, as they help demonstrate your genuine interest in the school and show how you'd contribute to the campus community. So, it's definitely worth spending a good amount of time crafting well-thought-out, unique, and authentic responses. Here are a couple of tips to help with your supplemental essays:

1. Be specific: Tailor each essay to the school you're applying to by showing that you've done thorough research about the college and understand what makes it unique. Mention specific programs, professors, clubs, or traditions that appeal to you.

2. Show your personality and passion: Use these essays as an opportunity to further reveal who you are and what truly matters to you. These essays can help paint a more vivid picture of you as an individual, going beyond just your grades and test scores.

3. Stay focused and concise: Most supplemental essays have a word limit, so be sure to answer the prompt directly and avoid rambling.

4. Edit and proofread: Like any other part of your application, make sure your supplemental essays are polished and free of errors. Ask trusted friends, teachers, or counselors to read them and provide feedback for improvement.

In short, the more time and effort you put into perfecting your supplemental essays, the better your chances of standing out to the admissions committee. These essays are a great opportunity to demonstrate your fit with the school and express your excitement for joining their community. Best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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