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Texas A&M vs UCLA: Which is better for pre-med?

Hey, everyone! I've been accepted to both Texas A&M and UCLA, and I'm currently leaning towards pre-med. Does anyone know how the two compare in terms of pre-med resources, opportunities, and success in getting into med school?

a year ago

Congratulations on getting accepted to both Texas A&M and UCLA! As a pre-med student, there are a few factors to consider when comparing schools: location, resources, and opportunities.

Location: UCLA is located in Los Angeles, offering proximity to various research hospitals and medical facilities, such as the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. These institutions provide access to volunteering, internships, and clinical experiences. Texas A&M is in College Station, which may offer fewer opportunities by comparison, but you can still find research and volunteer options at nearby hospitals.

Resources: Both universities have strong undergraduate biology and life sciences programs. UCLA is well-known for its research opportunities and is considered one of the top research institutions in the US. Texas A&M also has ample research opportunities and a focus on collaborative learning. Consider how important conducting research is for your pre-med track and if either school offers research options aligned with your interests.

Opportunities: UCLA has the highly regarded Medical Education Program for Medical Students (MEP), which allows undergraduates to work closely with physicians in various medical fields. This experience can bolster your medical school application significantly. Texas A&M has the College of Medicine PARTNERS program and the Aggie Health & Medical Professions Community, providing a supportive environment for pre-med students. Ultimately, both schools offer innovative programs for pre-med students.

Success in getting into med school: The acceptance rates for medical school are somewhat similar for UCLA and Texas A&M alumni. According to UCLA's Career Center, 51% of their applicants were accepted to medical school between 2017-2019. Meanwhile, Texas A&M's Health Professions Advising Office reports a 57% acceptance rate from 2018-2020. While these rates are not drastically different, the actual success of students will depend on individual factors like test scores and extracurricular involvement.

a year ago

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