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Rutgers vs Syracuse: Choosing the right fit

Hi everyone! I'm struggling to decide between Rutgers and Syracuse for college. I'd appreciate any insight into their academic programs, campus life, and overall pros and cons. I want to make sure I choose the school that's the best fit for me. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're considering both Rutgers and Syracuse for college, as they each have unique qualities that make them attractive options. I'll give you an overview of their academic programs, campus life, and some general pros and cons for each, so you can hopefully make a better-informed decision.

Rutgers University:

- Academic programs: A few standout programs at Rutgers are engineering, pharmacy, business, and social work.

- Campus life: New Brunswick, the main campus, is spread across five smaller campuses, each with a unique atmosphere and resources. Student life is vibrant, with numerous clubs, sports, and events. Greek life is present but not overbearing.

- Pros: Diverse student body, robust academic options, proximity to NYC and Philadelphia, strong sense of community.

- Cons: Large campus size can be overwhelming, class sizes can be large for certain courses.

Syracuse University:

- Academic programs: Syracuse is well-known for its programs in communications, journalism, architecture, and the arts.

- Campus life: Syracuse has a vibrant social scene, with over 300 student clubs and organizations. Greek life plays a prominent role on campus, with about 30% of students participating. School spirit is strong, especially during basketball season.

- Pros: Excellent professional connections, strong programs in select fields, tight-knit community, extensive student support services.

- Cons: Campus can feel insular due to location, Greek life may not be for everyone, less diverse than Rutgers.

When comparing these schools, think about which academic programs align better with your interests and goals. Consider the campus environment and location, as well as what type of social scene suits you. Both schools have excellent resources and opportunities, so the best choice will ultimately depend on what kind of college experience you're aiming for. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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