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Georgetown vs George Washington: Comparisons and Experiences?

I'm currently evaluating Georgetown University and George Washington University as potential college options. I'd appreciate any insights into the differences between the two schools in terms of academics, campus life, and overall experience. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Respondent 1: As someone who has spent quite a bit of time around both campuses, I can give you some general comparisons between Georgetown and George Washington University (GWU). Keep in mind, each student's experience will be unique depending on their interests and goals, so these are just perspectives to consider.

Academics: Georgetown is widely known for its School of Foreign Service and strong pre-law and business programs. GWU, on the other hand, has a great political science department and a strong focus on international affairs and public health. Both schools have other various majors as well, but these are a few of their major strengths.

Campus Life: Georgetown's campus has a more enclosed, traditional feel with beautiful architecture and green spaces. It's located in Georgetown, an upscale neighborhood with lots of shopping and dining options. GWU's campus is more urban and integrated into the city, with most buildings located within Foggy Bottom, near the White House and National Mall. Both schools provide easy access to D.C., but Georgetown has a more secluded environment while GWU offers a city-based experience.

Overall Experience: Georgetown and GWU both offer unique experiences depending on what you're looking for in a college. If you value a more tight-knit, traditional campus with a focus on humanities and pre-professional programs, Georgetown might be a better fit for you. On the other hand, if you want a more urban experience and a focus on political science or international affairs, GWU could be a great choice.

It's a good idea to visit both campuses if possible, and try to talk to current students to get a sense of what life is really like at each school. Good luck with your decision-making process!

a year ago

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