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Are there any investing competitions for high school students?

I'm really interested in finance and investing, and I've heard about investment competitions geared towards high school students. Can anyone give me some information on these competitions and how to participate in them? Thanks!

a year ago

Absolutely, there are several investing competitions for high school students that can help you build your investing skills and have fun while you're at it. These competitions usually involve managing a virtual portfolio and investing in stocks, bonds, or other securities. Here are three popular investing competitions to consider:

1. The Stock Market Game: This program is an interactive, online simulation of the global capital markets that engages students in the world of economics, investing, and personal finance. The goal of the competition is to increase your portfolio's value over time. You can participate individually or as part of a team. To get started, register through their website during specified registration periods.

2. InvestWrite: This competition is an extension of the Stock Market Game. After participating in the game, students can enter InvestWrite, an essay competition where they apply their critical thinking skills to a long-term investing scenario. Entries are evaluated based on the student's understanding of investment principles, their ability to explain complex financial concepts, and their persuasive writing skills. Visit the official InvestWrite website to learn more and submit an essay.

3. KWHS Investment Competition: The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania hosts this global investing competition for high school students. Participants form teams and develop investment strategies based on their research and analysis. As part of the competition, teams present their investment thesis and strategies to judges at regional events.

Winning teams advance to the Global Finale, where they present their strategies to a panel of judges, comprised of finance professionals and university faculty. Visit the competition's website to learn more about how to register and form your team.

For more opportunities, check out this CollegeVine article:

To participate in these competitions, make sure to visit their respective websites for important information on registration, eligibility, deadlines, and any specific rules. Participating in one or multiple investing competitions can be a great way to showcase your passion for finance and boost your extracurricular activities for college applications. Good luck!

a year ago

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