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Harvard vs University of Pennsylvania: Help me decide!

I got accepted into both Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania and I'm struggling to make a decision. Could anyone who's familiar with these schools give me some insight into their culture, academic strengths, and the opportunities they provide? I'm majoring in economics, if that helps.

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania are prestigious institutions that offer rigorous academics and excellent opportunities. Choosing between the two can certainly be challenging, but I'll try to provide some insights that may help you in your decision-making process.

Harvard University:

As one of the most iconic Ivy League institutions, Harvard boasts a long history of academic excellence and innovation. Its economics department is top-ranked, and you'll have the chance to study under world-renowned faculty members. Harvard's campus is in Cambridge, which is a vibrant and culturally diverse area, perfect for a well-rounded college experience.

Students at Harvard often describe the culture as highly focused on academics with a competitive but also collaborative atmosphere. The resources and facilities provided are extensive, and there are numerous research and internship opportunities available for students.

University of Pennsylvania:

The University of Pennsylvania (Penn) is also a prestigious Ivy League school with a strong economics program. A major perk at Penn is the Wharton School, which is one of the best business schools in the world. Even if you're not in Wharton, as an economics major, you'll still have access to Wharton resources and courses.

Penn's campus is in Philadelphia, a vibrant and historical city that offers ample opportunities for internships and cultural experiences. Students at Penn describe the atmosphere as collaborative, supportive, and diverse. There is a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, and students are encouraged to explore their interests beyond their major.

Ultimately, your decision will depend on your preferences and personal fit. While both universities offer rigorous academic programs in economics, you may find yourself leaning towards one primarily due to its surrounding environment and campus culture.

Consider visiting both campuses if possible and speaking with current students to get a better feel for each school. You might also want to explore their course offerings, research and internship opportunities, and extracurricular activities to help with your decision.

Regardless of which institution you choose, both Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania will provide you with a first-class education and valuable experiences. Good luck!

a year ago

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