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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any scholarships available for a 1400 SAT score?

Hi everyone! Just got my SAT results and I scored a 1400. Super happy! I was wondering if there are any scholarships that I am eligible for with this score? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Congratulations on your 1400 SAT score! With that score, you are definitely in a competitive range for multiple scholarships. Here are some examples of scholarships you might be eligible for based on your SAT score:

1. National Merit Scholarships: Although these scholarships are usually associated with the PSAT, you can also qualify via your SAT score. You can use your SAT score to meet the Selection Index score requirement. Make sure to check the National Merit Scholarship Corporation's website for detailed information on eligibility and how to apply.

2. College-specific scholarships: Many colleges and universities offer scholarships specifically for students with strong academic records, which often include SAT scores as a factor. To find these opportunities, search for scholarships on the websites of colleges you're interested in attending, or reach out to their financial aid offices for more information.

3. Local scholarships: Some organizations and foundations in your community might offer scholarships based on academic achievement, including SAT scores. Check with your high school guidance counselor, local library, or community center for information on such opportunities in your area.

4. Corporate scholarships: Many large companies and organizations offer scholarships to students based on academic achievement and other factors. For example, the Coca-Cola Scholars Program, Burger King Scholars, and the Discover Student Loans Scholarship program are a few opportunities to explore.

Don't forget to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as well, since some scholarships and financial aid programs require a completed FAFSA to determine eligibility. It's important to start your scholarship search early and apply for as many as possible to maximize your chances of winning awards. Good luck!

a year ago

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