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Robotics in high school

Hey everyone! My school offers a robotics club and I'm considering joining. What do you typically do in a robotics club, and how does it look to college admissions if I invest my time in it? Cheers!

a year ago

Hey there! Joining the robotics club can be a rewarding experience, both in terms of skill development and impact on college admissions.

In a robotics club, you'll typically work with peers to design, build, and program robots for various competitions. You may use platforms like VEX Robotics, First Robotics, or even create custom robots. There are usually roles for people interested in hardware, software, and even project management. In addition to building the actual robots, team members often collaborate on tasks like fundraising, marketing, and community outreach.

Regarding college admissions, participating in a robotics club is generally viewed as a positive extracurricular activity. It falls under Tier 3 of the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars. For more on the 4 Tiers of Extracurricular Activities, check out this CollegeVine article:

If you're able to secure a leadership role, your participation will be more noteworthy. Colleges appreciate students who engage in STEM-based activities, as they demonstrate a propensity for problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking.

Now, whether it looks good on your college application largely depends on your interests and desired major. If you plan to pursue engineering, computer science, or another STEM-related field, membership in a robotics club will align well with your academic and career goals. By investing time and effort into the club, you'll gain valuable experience and showcase your passion for the subject.

However, if you're still unsure about your interests or major, it's a great opportunity to explore robotics and see if it's something you'd like to pursue further. In any case, taking part in a diverse range of extracurriculars, including robotics club, won't hurt your college application and can demonstrate your eagerness to learn and grow.

So go ahead and give the robotics club a try! You might find that it's an excellent fit for you and a valuable addition to your extracurricular profile. Good luck!

a year ago

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