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Princeton 'soundtrack of your life' question?

Hey guys, I'm currently working on my Princeton application and saw their 'soundtrack of your life' prompt. Do any of you have tips for approaching this essay? Should I actually include specific songs, or can I get creative with it?

a year ago

Hello! The 'soundtrack of your life' essay prompt is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity and individuality. One of the keys to a successful essay for this prompt is to make it personal and meaningful. Here are a few tips for approaching this essay:

1. Think about what you want to convey: Before you start writing, take some time to think about the message you'd like to convey. What aspects of your life or personality do you want the admissions committee to understand? This could include your values, interests, achievements, or challenges you've overcome.

2. Choose songs that are significant to you: Don't feel restricted to only selecting popular or well-known songs. Instead, choose songs that genuinely hold meaning to you, even if they're obscure. The songs you select should connect to the theme or message you'd like to convey in your essay.

3. Be creative with your choices: While it's perfectly okay to include specific songs that have had an impact on your life, you can also get creative and think outside the box. Perhaps you want to discuss a specific genre of music that speaks to your experiences or a certain instrument that you play.

4. Incorporate explanations: Make sure to explain why each song or piece of music resonates with you. Going beyond simply listing the songs, share quick stories or personal experiences that connect these songs to your life. This can help create a more engaging and meaningful essay for the admissions committee.

While you should definitely try and go a little out of the box for this question, make sure it is still something that genuinely resonates with you and is a good representation of the ideas you are trying to share with the admissions officer.

a year ago

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