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UVA vs Penn State: Which one should I pick?

I've been accepted to both University of Virginia (UVA) and Penn State and I'm struggling to decide. What have been your experiences with either of these schools? Mainly looking into their academics, extracurriculars, and campus life. Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Congratulations on getting accepted to both UVA and Penn State! Both are fantastic schools, but they offer different experiences, which may help you decide where you'll thrive. Here's a quick breakdown of each school in terms of academics, extracurriculars, and campus life:


- Strong academics with a focus on the liberal arts, but also boasting reputable programs in business, science, and engineering.

- The campus has a historic and picturesque atmosphere, with its iconic Rotunda and Lawn defining the heart of the school.

- UVA is deeply rooted in tradition, making it a unique and culturally rich experience for students.

- Charlottesville is a college town which offers a balance between a quaint atmosphere and good city resources for students.

- Greek life plays a significant role at UVA, which can influence the social scene and extracurricular opportunities.

Penn State:

- Large, public research institution with a wider variety of majors and resources for students, and especially strong programs in engineering, the sciences, and business.

- Located in State College, a quintessential college town with plenty of things to do and a strong sense of community.

- Penn State offers a vibrant campus life with a huge range of clubs and organizations to join, catering to almost every interest.

- Known for its massive sporting events, especially football games, which contribute significantly to school spirit. The White Out game in particular is the stuff of legend.

- The size of Penn State means you may come across larger classes or a less personal experience, but it also means having a diverse student body and ample opportunities.

The right choice boils down to what kind of environment you're looking for, and which programs you're most interested in. Try attending virtual events or connecting with current students to gain more insight into the respective experiences at UVA and Penn State. Ultimately, go with the school where you feel you'll flourish academically, be able to engage in extracurriculars that match your passions, and enjoy the campus life. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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