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Navigating the CSS and IDOC - What's the difference?

I'm just starting my college application journey, and I know financial aid is a big part, but I'm a bit confused. What's the difference between the CSS Profile and the IDOC? Do we need to submit both, or only one of them when applying for financial aid?

a year ago

The CSS Profile and IDOC are both important components of the financial aid application process, but they serve different purposes. Here's a brief overview of each:

CSS Profile: The CSS (College Scholarship Service) Profile is an application you fill out to determine your eligibility for non-federal financial aid from colleges and universities. It's administered by the College Board and is more detailed than the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The CSS Profile asks for information about your family's income, assets, and expenses to calculate your expected family contribution (EFC). It's important to note that not every college requires the CSS Profile, so check the requirements of each school you're applying to.

IDOC: The IDOC (Institutional Documentation Service) is also administered by the College Board, and it's a platform that allows you to securely submit your financial documents to colleges and universities. These documents can include tax returns, W-2 forms, and additional forms requested by the schools. IDOC is essentially a document submission service, while the CSS Profile is an actual application.

Whether you need to submit both the CSS Profile and IDOC depends on the requirements of the colleges you are applying to. Generally, schools that require the CSS Profile will also use IDOC to collect additional supporting documents. Make sure to research each institution's specific financial aid requirements, as some may only ask for the FAFSA or exclusively use their own financial aid applications.

Overall, CSS Profile is the application you complete to provide detailed information about your family's financial situation, while IDOC is a service that simplifies the submission of required financial documents to colleges. It's essential to submit whichever application(s) arerequired by the schools on your list to maximize your financial aid opportunities.

a year ago

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