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Setback essay example?

Does anyone have examples or tips for writing a college essay about overcoming a setback or a challenge? I'm having a hard time deciding how to approach this topic and would love some advice on what's worked for others.

a year ago

Sure, happy to help with some tips on writing a college essay about overcoming a setback or challenge! When approaching this topic, it's essential to focus on the personal growth and learning you gained from the experience, rather than just focusing on the setback itself. Keep the following tips in mind:

1. Be honest and genuine: Choose a personal setback or challenge that truly had an impact on your life. You want to convey your story with authenticity and emotion, as that allows readers to connect with your essay.

2. Provide context: Briefly explain the situation or challenge you faced, but don't spend too much time dwelling on the problem itself. Focus on what happened next, and how you eventually overcame the setback.

3. Show growth and self-reflection: Describe what you learned from the experience, how it changed you, and the steps you took to overcome the challenge. Demonstrate your ability to grow and adapt to life's obstacles.

4. Highlight resilience: Emphasize your determination, resourcefulness, and problem-solving skills that helped you navigate your setback.

5. Be specific: Instead of including every detail of the setback, focus on key moments or events that contributed to your growth and learning.

6. Utilize CollegeVine’s resources: CollegeVine has a blog post which breaks down this kind of prompt specifically (, and also offers both a free peer essay review tool and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors. Getting a second set of eyes on your essay can often give you a more objective sense of how well your resilience and growth are coming across.

Overall, craft your essay around your unique experiences and clearly communicate the lessons you've learned, and you’ll be in great shape. Best of luck with your essay!

a year ago

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