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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to determine target school acceptance rates

Hey guys, I'm having trouble figuring out what acceptance rate would be considered a 'target' school for me. Is there a specific range I should be looking at? How do I know if a school falls into this category?

a year ago

Hey there! Identifying a 'target' school is primarily based on how well your academic profile and extracurricular involvement align with the typical admitted student at a particular college. Generally, a target school is one where you have a reasonable chance of being admitted based on your credentials.

To determine if a school is a target for you, follow these steps:

1. Research the school's average GPA and test scores for admitted students: Look for the middle 50% range of GPA and test scores (SAT, ACT, etc.) of admitted students. This information is often available on the college's website or through resources like CollegeVine.

2. Compare your academic profile: Assess how your GPA and test scores compare to the middle 50% range of the college's admitted students. If you fall within or close to that range, the school can be considered a target.

3. Evaluate your extracurricular activities: Although colleges use a holistic review process, having a strong academic profile is just one part of the equation. Check if your extracurricular involvement is on par with typical admitted students. This may include leadership roles, volunteering, clubs, sports, and more.

4. Consider course rigor: Colleges value a challenging high school curriculum. Make sure you have taken a substantial number of honors, AP, or IB classes, as this demonstrates your ability to handle college-level coursework.

There isn't a specific acceptance rate range that defines a target school, as it mainly depends on the compatibility between your profile and the school's requirements. However, a general rule of thumb is that target schools have acceptance rates that fall roughly between 30-60%. But remember, this is just a rough estimate and should not be the only factor you use to determine your target schools.

After assessing all these factors, if you find that your academic profile, extracurriculars, and course rigor align well with a particular college's admitted students, then it can be considered a target school for you.

Keep in mind that building a balanced college list includes a mix of reach, target, and safety schools to maximize your opportunities for admission. Good luck!

a year ago

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