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UC Berkeley Transfer Requirements

I'm interested in transferring to UC Berkeley and I was wondering if anyone here could help me with understanding the requirements for transfer students? Like, what courses, GPA, or other requirements do I need to meet?

a year ago

Sure, happy to help you understand the transfer requirements for UC Berkeley!

Courses: To begin with, UC Berkeley recommends completing a set of "7-course pattern" prerequisites by the end of the spring term prior to the fall you plan to transfer. This pattern includes:

1. Two transferable courses in English composition

2. One transferable course in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning

3. Four transferable college courses from at least two of these subject areas: arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and physical and biological sciences.

GPA: Generally, UC Berkeley transfer applicants should have a strong GPA to be competitive. The average admit has a GPA of around 3.9 for CCC (California community colleges) students and it's slightly lower for non-CCC transfers, but around 3.9 is still recommended. Keep in mind, though, that some majors may have higher GPA expectations, like engineering, business, and computer science.

Major Preparation: Specific major-related requirements vary depending on the program you're applying for, so it's important to research the recommended or required courses in your intended major at Berkeley. Their website lists the prerequisites for each major:

Unit Requirements: To be eligible, you should have a minimum of 60 UC-transferable semester units (90 quarter units) by the end of the spring term before you transfer. A maximum of 70 semester/105 quarter units can be counted as credit toward your UC degree.

Other tips: Although not required, extracurricular activities, work experience, and special talents can help distinguish you as an applicant. Additionally, a well-written personal insight essay showcasing your experiences and aspirations can make a difference in the admissions process.

Please note that UC Berkeley does prioritize California community college transfers, particularly those in the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program, which guarantees admission for eligible students. If you're attending a CCC, it's a good idea to take advantage of this program, if offered.

In summary, to be a competitive transfer applicant to UC Berkeley, complete the 7-course pattern, maintain a strong GPA, fulfill major-specific requirements, earn the minimum unit requirement, and showcase your unique qualities through extracurriculars and personal essays. Good luck!

a year ago

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