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SFSU vs USF: Opinions on programs and living in San Francisco?

Hi, I'm having trouble choosing between attending San Francisco State University and the University of San Francisco. Can anyone who knows about or has experience at these schools help me out? I would like to know about the quality of the programs, campus life, and also living in San Francisco. I'm looking to major in communications. Thank you!

a year ago

Hi there! Both San Francisco State University (SFSU) and University of San Francisco (USF) are great options, but there are some key differences to be aware of.

Firstly, SFSU is a public university and is generally more affordable than the private USF. However, USF often offers generous financial aid packages that could level the playing field, so make sure to consider the net price of attending both.

In terms of the communications programs, both universities have solid offerings. SFSU is well-known for its broadcasting and journalism concentrations, providing opportunities for hands-on experience at its on-campus TV and radio stations. USF, on the other hand, offers a more theory-focused curriculum and boasts strong connections with companies in the Bay Area, which can be helpful for internships and job opportunities.

Campus life is also quite different. SFSU has a larger and more diverse student body. Its campus is spread out, located near Lake Merced, with ample green space and recreational areas. USF is smaller, with a more intimate campus setting and a strong sense of community. It is located near Golden Gate Park and the vibrant Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, offering a unique cultural experience.

As for living in San Francisco, both universities provide access to the incredible city and all it has to offer. Living expenses can be high, so it's important to budget accordingly. Public transportation is abundant, making it easy to explore the city. One important distinction is that USF tends to have more on-campus housing options, whereas SFSU students often live off-campus in nearby neighborhoods.

Ultimately, the choice between SFSU and USF will come down to your individual preferences. Consider factors like overall cost, desired campus atmosphere, program focus, and opportunities for hands-on experience. Best of luck with your decision!

a year ago

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