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UNLV Admission Requirements

Hey guys, I've been looking into UNLV for college, and I'm wondering what the admission requirements are. Could someone share their experience or direct me to a good source to find this information?

a year ago

Hello! I'd be happy to help you with the admission requirements for UNLV. Generally, UNLV requires the following from applicants:

1. Completion of a college preparatory curriculum (also known as Core 18) from an accredited high school, which includes:

- 4 years of English

- 4 years of Math (including Algebra II or higher)

- 3 years of Natural Science (2 years with lab)

- 3 years of Social Science

- 1 year of Fine Arts

- 1 year of College and Career Planning

2. A minimum GPA of 3.0 on an unweighted 4.0 scale for in-state students (3.2 for out-of-state students).

3. Though not strictly required, standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) can be submitted to UNLV. Many students have chosen to do so as it could enhance your application and showcase your academic abilities.

4. Submit a completed application for admission, which includes a personal statement and a list of your extracurricular activities.

5. Pay the Nonrefundable $60 application fee (fee waivers are available for qualifying students).

To gain a better understanding of the applicant pool, you can also review the UNLV freshman profile. For Fall 2021, the middle 50% of admitted students had the following stats:

- High school GPA: 3.17-3.97

- ACT composite score: 19-26

- SAT composite score: 990-1230

This can give you an idea of the competitiveness of UNLV admissions. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and each application is reviewed holistically. If you want more information, you can visit UNLV's Undergraduate Admissions page or contact their admissions office. Good luck on your college application journey!

a year ago

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