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Indiana University vs Purdue: Help me decide!

Hi everyone! I'm looking into applying to Indiana University and Purdue University. Can you give me some pros and cons of each school? What makes each of them stand out? More importantly, which one would you choose and why?

a year ago

Hi there! Both Indiana University (IU) and Purdue University are excellent institutions with unique strengths, so it's essential to consider which factors are most important to you when making your decision.

Indiana University:

1. Pros:

- Strong liberal arts programs, particularly in business, music, and journalism.

- A beautiful, lively campus located in Bloomington, well-known for its stunning seasonal scenery and cultural scene.

- Active student life, with over 750 student organizations and renowned sports culture, especially in basketball.

2. Cons:

- Slightly larger class sizes in some popular majors due to their popularity, though smaller classes can still be found.

- Communicating between different departments on campus can sometimes be challenging due to its size.

Purdue University:

1. Pros:

- Highly regarded for its engineering, science, and technology programs, and has an excellent co-op program.

- A collaborative, research-driven environment, with faculty renowned for their achievements in their fields.

- Purdue Global initiative offers broad access to online education options for working adults.

2. Cons:

- The campus located in West Lafayette is not as vibrant as Bloomington, with limited off-campus activities.

- May not be the ideal choice for individuals looking for strong liberal arts, humanities, or social sciences programs.

When it comes down to choosing between the two, it really depends on your academic interest, campus environment preferences, and future goals. If you are leaning towards engineering, technology, or research opportunities, Purdue might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you're interested in liberal arts, music, or journalism, or you're looking for a more lively, picturesque campus, IU could be the right fit.

Additionally, visit both campuses (if possible), talk to current students, and attend information sessions to get a better sense of which school aligns with your priorities and preferences. Good luck!

a year ago

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