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colleges in england for american students

I'm an American high school student and have been thinking about applying to colleges in England. Are there any schools in particular that are more welcoming to American students? Cheers!

a year ago

Applying to colleges in England as an American student is an exciting choice! There are several universities known for having a more international student body, which can be especially welcoming for American students. Here are a few top universities in England to consider:

1. University of Oxford: As one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, Oxford has a diverse student body, with about 15% of its undergraduate students being international students. They're known for their rigorous academic programs, and their collegiate system fosters community among students.

2. University of Cambridge: Similar to Oxford, Cambridge also has a diverse student body and a collegiate system. It is one of the world's top universities and attracts students from around the globe.

3. London School of Economics (LSE): LSE is renowned for its programs in social sciences, economics, and politics. It has a highly international atmosphere, with over 70% of the student body being international students.

4. University College London (UCL): UCL is another excellent choice for American students. It offers programs in a wide variety of academic disciplines, with a focus on research and innovation. Around 40% of its students are from outside the UK.

5. King's College London: King's College is a leading research university located in the heart of London. It's known for its programs in humanities, law, sciences, and health-related fields. About 36% of its students are international.

As an American student applying to English universities, you should be aware of a few differences compared to the US college application process. In England, you'll apply through UCAS, which is a centralized application system, and you'll be able to apply to up to five universities. Additionally, you may need to adapt to different grading systems, terminology, and application requirements.

Remember, these schools listed above are just a starting point. There are many other excellent universities in England to consider based on your academic interests and preferences. Don't hesitate to research and reach out to these universities to learn more about the opportunities available for American students.

Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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