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Finding the Best 2-Year PA Programs

I've been thinking about becoming a Physician Assistant, and I want to find the best 2-year PA programs. What factors should I consider when choosing a program, and do you guys have any recommendations for schools with great PA programs?

a year ago

When looking for the best 2-year Physician Assistant (PA) programs, there are several factors to consider:

1. Accreditation: Ensure the program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). This ensures the program meets the standards necessary for graduates to be eligible for the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE).

2. Program Length & Structure: Verify that the program is indeed a 2-year program, as some PA programs can range from 24 to 36 months. Check how the program is structured; typically, the first year is focused on didactic learning, while the second year is dedicated to clinical rotations.

3. PANCE Pass Rates: Look for programs with a high first-time PANCE pass rate, which demonstrates the program's effectiveness in preparing its students for the certification exam.

4. Clinical Rotations: Investigate the quality and variety of clinical rotation sites available to students. Programs with strong affiliations to hospitals and clinics can enhance your learning experience.

5. Cohort Size: Smaller cohort sizes can promote a more personalized learning experience, while larger cohorts may offer a broader range of networking opportunities.

6. Faculty: Research the background and credentials of the faculty members. Programs with experienced faculty can provide valuable insight and guidance throughout your education.

7. Location: Consider the geographical location of the school and whether you can picture yourself living in that area for the duration of the program. Additionally, location may impact job prospects after graduation.

8. Cost and Financial Aid: Review tuition fees and other expenses, as well as financial aid options the school may offer, such as scholarships, grants, and loans.

Here are a few well-regarded PA schools (in no particular order) to start your search:

1. Duke University (Durham, NC) - Duke's PA program has a strong reputation, often ranking as one of the top PA programs in the country.

2. University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA) - Another highly-regarded program, with a long history of training PAs.

3. Emory University (Atlanta, GA) - Emory's PA program boasts excellent faculty, program resources, and clinical affiliations.

4. University of Colorado (Aurora, CO) - Known for its superb curriculum and outstanding facilities.

Remember, what is considered the best program for one person may not necessarily be the best for you. It's essential to do thorough research and visit the school if possible to get a sense of the program, faculty, and environment. Keep in mind your own goals and preferences throughout your search!

a year ago

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