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Independent Schools in Charlotte, NC?

Hi! I'm trying to find info about the independent schools located in Charlotte, NC. Can someone provide me with a list or some recommendations of independent schools in the area? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi! There are several independent schools in the Charlotte, NC area that cater to students with various interests and needs. Here's a list of some of the notable independent schools in the area:

1. Charlotte Latin School: A K-12 independent school that offers a traditional college-preparatory curriculum with an emphasis on liberal arts, as well as robust arts, athletics, and extracurricular opportunities for its students.

2. Charlotte Country Day School: A pre-kindergarten through 12th grade independent school, known for its strong academics, rich arts program, and competitive athletics. It offers a well-rounded college-prep curriculum designed to foster well-rounded students.

3. Providence Day School: Serving students from transitional kindergarten to 12th grade, Providence Day School focuses on global education and experiential learning opportunities alongside its strong college-preparatory academics.

4. Charlotte Preparatory School: This independent school is dedicated to students from preschool to 8th grade and offers a comprehensive curriculum with an emphasis on character development, individualized learning, and leadership opportunities.

5. Charlotte Christian School: A K-12 college preparatory school that combines strong academics with a focus on faith-based values and rich extracurricular programs, including arts, athletics, and community service.

6. Trinity Episcopal School: A K-8 independent school that combines a rigorous, inquiry-based curriculum with a deep commitment to spiritual, ethical, and social development, offering plenty of opportunities for students to engage in service, leadership, and social justice initiatives.

These schools each offer unique qualities in terms of educational philosophy, extracurricular activities, and community values. I recommend visiting their websites to gather more information about the specific programs, admissions criteria, and campus life to determine which one might be the best fit for your needs.

Keep in mind that there might be other independent schools in the area as well, so it's always a good idea to do your research to find the one that aligns with your values and goals. Good luck!

a year ago

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