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University of Chicago transfer application process?

Hey guys, I'm considering transferring to UChicago and I wanted to know more about their application process. What documents and prerequisites do they require? Also, what deadlines should I keep in mind for a smooth transfer? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Transferring to the University of Chicago can be an exciting opportunity. Here's what you need to know about their transfer application process:

1. Application: UChicago accepts the Common Application or Coalition Application from transfer students. You'll have to complete the application form and answer the University of Chicago-specific questions and essays.

2. College Report: This is a form available through the Common Application or Coalition Application, completed by an official at your current or most recent institution.

3. High School Transcript: You need to submit your official high school transcript. If you have attended multiple high schools, submit transcripts from all of them.

4. College Transcripts: Submit official transcripts for all college or post-secondary institutions you have attended, including any dual-enrollment courses taken during high school.

5. Academic Evaluation: Request a letter of recommendation from a college instructor who has taught you in an academic subject.

6. Standardized Test Scores: UChicago is test-optional for transfer students, so submitting test scores is up to you. If you choose to send your scores, self-report them in your application or submit the official scores through the testing agency.

7. International students: If applicable and you are a non-native English speaker, submit your TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test (DET) scores.


For the Fall Quarter: The application becomes available on January 1, and the deadline to submit all materials is March 1. Admissions decisions are typically released in mid-late May, and if admitted, the decision to enroll is due by June 1.

For the Winter Quarter: The application becomes available on July 1, and the deadline to submit all materials is October 15. Admissions decisions are typically released in late November, and if admitted, the decision to enroll is due by December 15.

Financial Aid:

To be considered for need-based financial aid, submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the CSS Profile. The deadline for these forms typically aligns with the transfer application deadline.

Transferring to UChicago can be a competitive process, as they admit a small number of transfer students each year. However, if your application is strong and you can demonstrate your fit with the university, you may have a good chance!

Best of luck with your transfer application!

a year ago

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